Never before has the iPad Mini been this sought-after. Though more compact than a conventional iPad, it features a 7.9 inch monitor, boasts extended battery lifespan and similar operating capacity as a typical iPad. The dual-core A5 processor running at 1000MHz in the iPad Mini enables it to perform with the fluidity that Apple's merchandise are known for.|The efficiency in the unit's operation that Apple merchandise are so recognized for is due to its dual-core A5 processor running at 1000MHz.

However, in spite of how awesome the iPad Mini is, it can still face damages resulting from being immersed in water or encountering a high impact shock. The competent experts of iMalaysian dot com will fix your gadget in very little time, if any such damages occur to it.

Our technicians here are pioneers in Apple restoration and they will handle your iPad with expertise and speed. Every technical problem is recognizable to our crew and they are capable of repairing it.

The turnover time of the firm is fast all owing to our team's efficiency. And it is on account of this that we are able to set the best turnover period when compared to other like businesses.What is it that helps our company to be so proficient?

The problem is diagnosed very quickly by our professionals due to the fact that they are so well-versed with Apple products and their various technical troubles. Also, we only utilize high quality legitimate components for replacements that have been done in your iPad Mini. Originality is a key foundation of as we will pick superiority over volume any day. There is far less possibility of the device crashing once more if it had original parts.

Another good news is that the firm?s post-repair warranty period is 90-days. Each repair that is made and each component replaced on your gadget will come with a a 90-day warranty.

If your troublesome iPad Mini continues even after fixing, the warranty entitles you to take the unit back to us for a more thorough analysis or you have the choice of getting a total repayment from us. At the same time, the organization observes environmentally friendly principles. We do not utilize paper in our firm. All facts are logged into the company?s computer terminal and formal invoices are e-mailed to customers who can print them out if they desire to.

So do drop in on us when the your iPad Mini is having technical problems because we at will make sure that it comes back to you operating perfectly.

Why not pay us a visit at eCurve, Petaling Jaya or the Village Mall, Sungai Petani when your iPad is requiring repairs. 

Trust us when we mention that your satisfaction is indeed guaranteed!

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